Debug info:
Error code: generalexceptionmessage
Error code: generalexceptionmessage
Stack trace:
- line 55 of /lib/markdown/Markdown.php: ParseError thrown
- line 1336 of /lib/weblib.php: call to markdown_to_html()
- line 3759 of /lib/weblib.php: call to format_text()
- line 500 of /lib/outputcomponents.php: call to get_formatted_help_string()
- line 146 of /auth/classes/output/login.php: call to help_icon->export_for_template()
- line 4837 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to core_auth\output\login->export_for_template()
- line 241 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to core_renderer->render_login()
- line 379 of /login/index.php: call to renderer_base->render()